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Falkirk Otters Age group meet

Nigel Martin

Whilst the young team were hard at work in Perth, a small group of Gold & Platinum swimmers headed to Grangemouth for the Falkirk Otters Age Group Meet. Our swimmers started out strong with a full house of personal best swims in the 400Fr. Special mention to Christina who posted a 29.68 second PB! Hannah took a well fought silver and Mash won bronze as well as securing himself another SNAGS consideration time.

A further swim resulting in a SNAGS time was Charlotte’s 200IM. After getting within 0.1 second of the CT last weekend, we were excited to see how Charlotte would execute today’s race. She finished a full 2 seconds inside the consideration time and took home silver. Hayden won gold in 400Fr & 200IM, silver in 100Fr , bronze in 100Bk, all culminating in the Best Boy 17/18 year old trophy! Other medals included: Charlotte: Silver 100Bk Stuart: Gold 100Bk Ben: Gold 100Fly, Silver 100Fr

Big thanks to the swimmers for being amazing and to all the parents who volunteered to ensure the swimmers’ times were accredited.

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